Advertise on the Cosplay Locator!
For Cosplay Blog and Forum owners
Having a Convention? Do you run an anime blog or forum? Want to spread the word to thousands of cosplay and anime fans?!? gets over ten thousand visits a month and we want to help get the word out about your website!
At CosplayLocator, we try our best to never charge for something we can give away for free. Since we can't give our Cosplay away, we decided we'd give away advertising space instead!
Run our banner or link on your site and we'll run yours on ours!
That's the way it works.
Use this text:
Check out Cosplay Costumes at!
or this banner:
(link this banner to )
Just let us know our link is on your site, we'll have a look and then we'll link you on our links page!
Our space is filling up fast (as you can see...) so get in touch with us right away!
Questions? email us at
Happy Cosplaying Otaku!